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#oneofus Daniel Slack wins Silver Medal at the MTB World Championship in Leogang

It was a crazy World Championship in Leogang. The weather conditions were varied dramatically from Thursday to Sunday with rain and snow to sunshine and very difficult conditions for the riders.

Dan Slack | 2nd place DH Junior World Championship

With Nina Hoffmann and Greg Minnaar we had two top riders who had a good chance of winning the title. But things would play out differently.

Nina Hoffmann had a difficult qualification, falling three times, but still managed to secure 9th place.

Greg Minnaar got a little off track and had to push back up a bit to avoid being disqualified. In the end, 13th place for the GOAT.

Our Junior Daniel Slack was able to bring a flawless qualifying run down to the track and qualified 5th.  A perfect starting situation for the final.

On Sunday it was unsure if the finals would take place, but the snow stayed away more-or-less and the race was on!

Jack Reading | Team owner of SR Suntour One Vision Racing and mentor of Dan Slack

Trackwalk with Jack Reading and Dan Slack

Dan Slack showed his skills and put it a flawless run. In the end he was only 2 seconds away from the title with an excellent 2nd place: Silver medal for Dan! Congratulations for an outstanding performance!

Dan Slack wins a Silver Medal at the MTB World Championships in Leogang

Unfortunately Nina Hoffmann couldn’t manage her final run without mistakes and finished in 7th place:

“Never rode such a demanding track in the wet! I had a lot of problems over the weekend, several crashes and a hurting body everywhere on finals day. I’m not satisfied with my result, but I’m happy to be in one piece. So on to the next one, Maribor here we go!”

Greg Minnaar already showed in practice that he is hot for the title. His run started very strong, but unfortunately he went down hard in the stumps section. Fortunately he didn’t get injured. Finally 27th for Greg.

Fairplay: Greg Minnaar congratulating the new World Champion Reece Wilson from Scotland

Julian Steiner was representing Team Germany

“Yeah I was disappointed, you don’t race World Champs to finish 27th. All in all it was a hard week. The build-up went to plan and despite the snow on race day overall I rode the top section OK. Going into the stumps, I was only a few cm off but ended up on floor. Got back up and on quickly but it wasn’t to be. The guys on the podium looked pinned all week, not just on race day, so congratulations to them.”

Roger Vieira | MooreLarge Racing Team

Adam Rocjek | Banshee Racing Brigade

Our team riders Adam Rojcek/ Banshee Racing Brigade (41th) and Roger Vieira/ MooreLarge Team (42th) showed a solid performance in the rain lottery of Leogang.

Already next weekend we will continue with the World Cup in Maribor/ Slovenia. Hopefully the weather will be more consistent!

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