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O'NEAL Custom Jersey ELEMENT FR HYBRID azul hielo


O'NEAL Custom Jersey ELEMENT FR HYBRID azul hielo

99,00 €

Fully sublimated with your name and number embedded into the graphic. A level above printing your name and number on a jersey, fully sublimated name and numbers mean everlasting graphic without the hot sticky feel of printed numbers and lettering. Simply choose your favorite O’NEAL jersey graphic and provide your name and number details. Your custom handmade jersey will then be produced and hand-sewn all in Germany. Made just for you with the same stock graphics applied in full sublimation including your personal name and number. Please allow up to 15 days to produce and ship your full custom jersey.

Fully sublimated with your name and number embedded into the graphic. A level above printing your name and number on a jersey, fully sublimated name and numbers mean everlasting graphic without the hot sticky feel of printed numbers and lettering. Simply choose your favorite O’NEAL jersey graphic and provide your name and number details. Your custom handmade jersey will then be produced and hand-sewn all in Germany. Made just for you with the same stock graphics applied in full sublimation including your personal name and number. Please allow up to 15 days to produce and ship your full custom jersey.

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Producto configurable

El plazo de entrega de la mercancía es de 14 días

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O'NEAL Custom Jersey ELEMENT FR HYBRID azul hielo

99,00 €

Fully sublimated with your name and number embedded into the graphic. A level above printing your name and number on a jersey, fully sublimated name and numbers mean everlasting graphic without the hot sticky feel of printed numbers and lettering. Simply choose your favorite O’NEAL jersey graphic and provide your name and number details. Your custom handmade jersey will then be produced and hand-sewn all in Germany. Made just for you with the same stock graphics applied in full sublimation including your personal name and number. Please allow up to 15 days to produce and ship your full custom jersey.

Fully sublimated with your name and number embedded into the graphic. A level above printing your name and number on a jersey, fully sublimated name and numbers mean everlasting graphic without the hot sticky feel of printed numbers and lettering. Simply choose your favorite O’NEAL jersey graphic and provide your name and number details. Your custom handmade jersey will then be produced and hand-sewn all in Germany. Made just for you with the same stock graphics applied in full sublimation including your personal name and number. Please allow up to 15 days to produce and ship your full custom jersey.

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Producto configurable

El plazo de entrega de la mercancía es de 14 días

Número de modelo del artículo:

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